This image gallery is maintained and administered by Rottnest Island Authority (RIA). This disclaimer is relevant to material published (digital assets) on this site (The Rottnest Island Authority digital assets library).

All material on the digital assets is derived from sources believed to be current and accurate as at the date of publication and is provided in good faith. RIA makes no representation or warranty that:

any material on the web site will be relevant, accurate, reliable or complete (nor does RIA accept any responsibility arising in any way for errors in, or omissions from that material, even if those errors or omissions occur on account of RIA negligence or gross negligence); or your access to the digital assets will be timely, secure or uninterrupted. Your use of, or reliance upon, the material on the digital assets is entirely at your own risk.

The digital assets may contain information on activities which by reason of their physical exertion or the degree of physical fitness required may be unsuitable or dangerous for certain persons, or the digital assets may describe activities which are inherently dangerous. RIA makes no representations as to the nature, safety, quality or suitability about any or all of the activities shown on the digital assets and the user agrees that the user shall be responsible for first satisfying himself/herself by independent enquiry or advice as to the safety and suitability of the particular activity.

The digital assets may contain information on various businesses and service providers. RIA makes no representation as to the relevance, currency or accuracy of this information. Nor does RIA make any representation as to the nature, safety or quality of the goods or services provided by the listed businesses and service providers, or as to their suitability for the purposes of persons using the contact details.

Any trademark depicted on the digital assets is for information purposes only and is not intended, and nor shall it be, an endorsement or a recommendation by or on the part of RIA of any person, product or service.

RIA will not be liable, in negligence or howsoever, for loss, damage, liability or inconvenience suffered by you or any other person resulting from any action or decision in reliance upon the material on the digital assets, or any propagation of computer worms, virus, internet access difficulties, malfunction in equipment or software, interruption, communications failure or delay in operation.

In this disclaimer, the word "material" includes any actual, alleged or asserted fact, details, information, representation, prediction, assertion, opinion, statement, promise, undertaking or the like; and a reference to a person (including the use of the word "you") includes a firm, business, organisation, company or corporation.

Hypertext links to external digital assets (e.g., web sites, mobile applications) outside of RIA’s digital assets are provided, in good faith, as a convenience to users. These external information sources are outside of RIA’s control and it is the responsibility of the Internet users to make their own decisions about the relevance, accuracy, reliability and correctness of material found on external sites.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander viewers are advised this website may contain images of people who have passed away.

This Disclaimer must be read together with the Privacy Statement, outlined above.

If you have any comments or queries, please contact Rottnest Island Authority Marketing at marketing@rottnestisland.com

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